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2021 Irma Black Honor
Lesson Plan Grades 7-8: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
(Kenna Rodgers, Utah Education Network)
Poems Written by Frederick Douglass
(Library of Congress)
(Library of Congress)
(African American History of Western New York)
An Irma Black Honor Book Award
"Why am I a slave? Why are some people slaves and others masters? These were perplexing questions and very troublesome to my childhood. Then I found, too, that there were puzzling exceptions to this theory of slavery, in the fact that all black people were not slaves..."
~Frederick Douglass
Who was Frederick Douglass?
Short documentary for children about Frederick Douglass by Free School.
Frederick's Three Autobiographies:
Library of Congress
Project Gutenberg
Library of Liberty
Bread for Words read by Hamilton actor Simon Longnight.
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